
Welcome to Kirchehoch3, the Free Evangelical Church Berlin-Pankow! 

Our name is Kirchehoch3 (church to the third power), because faith, love, and hope lie at our center and hold us together – because we want to make room for every person, and meaningful encounters with another and God. And because we trust in the Triune God, who became man in Jesus Christ. 

Our Motto: Discover faith, follow Jesusspread hope. 

Our Vision: To be a hope-giving church for Pankow, Berlin, and the world. – More information on that, here

We’re a colorful mix of people. No matter where you come from, regardless of whether you are Christian or not – come as you are! You’re welcome here.  

Our story

The Free Evangelical Church in Pankow has been around since 2005 as part of the  Assossiation of Free Evangelical Churches in Germany (Bund FeG, KdöR). We’re independent from the stateforgo the Church Taxand believe that every person should decide for themselves what they believe in. 

What we believe in is Jesus Christ. We work together with other Christians across denominationswith some of the work being carried out through the Ökumensischer Rat Berlin-Brandenburg and Gemeinsam für Berlin.

Our church services have been held at various locations throughout our corner of Berlin; we are committed to being involved both in our district of Pankow and throughout the cityOverall, we are a vibrant community with people from differing backgrounds, generations and cultures. 

In 2017, we collaborated with the Evangelischen Kulturwerkstatt Berlin to help the church develop further. It was through that process in 2018 that we decided upon the name Kirchehoch3 and reformulated our vision.